Přístřešek na Hraběcí stezce - visit time description edit form
Visit time parameters:
tourist season - limited capacity
in a place where access is prohibited for nature protection reasons
tourist season
grazing season
forbidden to enter for nature protection reasons
hunting season
Christmas holidays, New Year's Eve
acute avalanche danger
total covering with snow
forbidden to enter for nature protection reasons
Description of visit time:
EN text
Probably anytime. However, due to the proximity of the town of Králíky and the popularity of the ascent to the Hedeč Monastery, the first tourists will be here early in the morning.
CZ text
Asi kdykoliv. Vzhledem k blízkosti města Králíky a oblíbenosti výstupu ke klášteru Hedeč tu ale budou první turisté už brzy ráno.
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