Open database of mountain huts, tourist shelters, sheds and bivouacs
Přístřešek na Hraběcí stezce
Main info
4 / 8
GPS WGS84: 50° 4’ 29.1” N   16° 46’ 32.67” E

Added by: VA (24/12/2024 - 12:32:00)

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  • table
  • benches / chairs
  • stone floor
  • fireplace

A new semi-closed tourist shelter with a fireplace on the green hiking trail Králíky - Hedeč (Hraběcí stezka). The building has dimensions of about 4 x 6 m, stone floor, honest roof and 3 closed walls. There is a fireplace in the back wall of the building. There are 2 massive tables with benches in
the building, but these can be moved if space is needed. Near the shelter is the building of the local ski association, at which a toilet should be available.

Water source
  • water is unavailable during snow cover

A reliable source of water is the nearby Mariánský pramen (Spring).

Best time to visit
  • tourist season

Probably anytime. However, due to the proximity of the town of Králíky and the popularity of the ascent to the Hedeč Monastery, the first tourists will be here early in the morning.


The building is located right by the green tourist sign Králíky - Velké nám. - Hedeč - klášter. It is about 1.7 km from the square in Králíky.

  • KČT č. 53 Králický Sněžník 1 : 50 000
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